War Department Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D.C. Augt 10, 1896 Dear Doctor Shannon, Your June 30 Sanitary report came in this morning. It had been delayed about three weeks at Dept Hd Qrs and for quite a time at Hd Qrs Army I suppose waiting review of General Miles. The Current officer of pers- approved your denunciation of the old quarters and your suggestion of a new barrack building. Chief Surgeon was of opinion that it was not desirable to construct a barracks on the plan suggested. Generals Brooks and Miles noted but gave no criticism and the papers bore no endorsement from any of his QuiD. As the Chief Surgn's endorsement seemed to disapprove not of new quarters but of new quarters on the plan suggested and as I differed from him materially I took the papers in to the SG and I found that he agreed with me that if a permanent barracks is to be built it would be more economical and insure better sanitary conditions as to heating etc. to get away from the pavilion style and so with his approval I took the report in for Captain Millers inspection -- he agreed with us and made a note of your suggestions in case it might be useful to him hereafter not necessarily in connection with Custer. I mention this that your image and your work in this matter has not been thrown away or been without credit to you although it has brought no benefits to your part. Miller says that it is out of the question to get new quarters at Custer unless something new turns up but that money would be available for repairs -- on looking at his lists however he found that nothing had been asked for Custer.
from Charles G. Hinman letters, 1845-1905. Transcribed by Kitsapian on 04/16/2020